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    Hilary Duff - At Coldwater Canyon Park in Beverly Hills - August 27, 2013 (21x)

    Not a fan of the shorts but she looks cute Thanks for the pics
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    Thanks / Danke
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    Stana Katic Season 6 Promo 6x (Update)

    Thanks a lot for these pics :) Can't wait for the new season of Castle
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    First, I'm sorry but I don't speak german but I heard from this forum since a long time and I decided to join. And I don't regret it. Great forum with amazing pictures
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    Kristen Stewart & Juliette Binoche one the set of "Sils Maria" in Leipzig (06.09.13) x34

    AW: Kristen Stewart & Juliette Binoche one the set of "Sils Maria" in Germany (06.09.13) x34 Thanks for the pics. Can't wait to see the movie
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    Kristen Stewart and her friends sightseeing and having lunch in Berlin,Germany August 28, 2013 x41 Update

    AW: Kristen Stewart and her friends sightseeing and having lunch in Berlin,Germany August 28, 2013 x23 Thanks for Kristen :)