LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - Thursday January 17, 2013. EXCLUSIVE FILE PHOTO dated Sunday January 29, 2012. JENNIFER LAWR-ASS! Jennifer Lawrence, seen in images that are 100% not Photoshopped, has claimed a recent photo of her backside was not actually her bum. 'The Hunger Games' star told David Letterman 'It's not my butt and I will not take responsibility for it. It's a 90-year-old butt that's been photoshopped onto my body, and is posing as my butt.' The Golden Globe winning actress, seen here playing basketball last year, was promoting 'Silver Linings Playbook' on the 'Late Show with David Letterman' when she claimed the recent images of her in a bikini in Hawaii were not in fact entirely her body.
ORIGINAL CAPTION: **EXCLUSIVE** THE HUNGER BASKETBALL GAMES! Jennifer Lawrence and her brit boyfriend Nicholas Hoult shooting some hoops together in LA. The loved-up stars met on the set of last year's 'X-Men: First Class' movie and rumors have been swirling ever since that they are dating. This is the first time they have been seen together off the red carpet. The couple worked up a sweat in the LA sun playing a game of basketball.